1. Admission to this school is restricted by certain Government regulations and by the conditions of age, ability and conduct. Hence applicants for admission will be tested and admitted to the standard they are found fit.
  2. The process of admission to K.G. usually starts in Feb.The age of admission to L.K.G. is between four and five years completed on or before 31st May, of the year of admission. For admission to Std. 1 the child should complete six years on or before 31st May of the year of admission.
  3. For all fresh admission to K.G. Std. 1, a Xerox or certified true copy of birth certificate should be produced in the office. The original of the above certificate should be produced whenever asked for.
  4. From Std. II onwards Admission is incomplete until a leaving certificate is produced from the recognised school last attended. It is to be countersigned by the Educational Officer of the District if the pupil comes from another state.
  5. The Principal reserves to herself/himself the right of admission.


  • Leaving certificate will not be issued unless applied in the proper form by the parent or guardian in writing 24 hours at least in advance. The leaving certificate will be issued only after all the fees and dues of the school are paid.


  • Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or defiance of authority, lack of sufficient improvement in conduct and studies even after warnings are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.


  1. As regular attendance is an important element for successful school work, a previous written application for leave must invariably be submitted.
  2. In case of sickness or other unforeseen circumstances the student returning to school must show the class teacher his /her leave application from the parent. In case of serious illness the Principal must be informed within five days with a doctor's certificate accompanied by the leave application from the parent.
  3. Uncertified absence for more than 15 days renders a student liable to be removed from the rolls and usual admission fee will be charged if he/she is readmitted.


  1. All the school fees (12 months), bus fee (11 months) are due in advance and should be paid quarterly during June, September, December and March.
  2. Students of stds. X and XII should have paid all their dues including fees, of the last quarter before the preliminary examinations.
  3. The school provides with an optional bus service. The bus fees should be paid quarterly for the eleven months. The fees are charged according to the distance.


  1. To discontinue the use of bus for a quarter a written request must be made one month before the quarter begins, otherwise they are liable to pay bus fee of that quarter.
  2. Those who travel in the school bus are not allowed to use metal boxes for carrying books. They may use rexin or cloth bags instead.
  3. Students misbehaving in the bus and the defaulter of fees will not be allowed to continue the use of the school bus service.
  4. The school bus service is directly under the control of Principal. Any suggestions or complaints may be made only to the principal and not to the bus staff.
  5. Reasonable care is taken by the school authorities for the safety of the children in the school premises and in the school bus. But the school authorities will not be held responsible for accident and other eventualities which are beyond their control.


  1. Parents and guardians are expected to o-operate with the school authorities in enforcing regularity and discipline and see that their children or wards prepare their lessons, do their home works and attend the classes regularly.
  2. Serious and steady home study is essential for real academic progress and final success. Also their text books, exercise books etc. should be neatly covered and kept clean. Name should be written on all their belongings.
  3. Parents and guardians are informed that, daily reports if any, from the school about conduct and studies, are conveyed through the hand book. You are expected to take note of the reports and messages with your counter signature and to confer with the Principal and through her with teachers concerned.
  4. Parents and guardians are not at all expected to walk directly into the class rooms to meet the teachers or their children. Students will not be sent home even in emergency unless a responsible person comes to fetch them with a note of authorization from the parent or guardian.
  5. Private tuitions are discouraged and should be resorted to only after consulting the Principal. No teacher is allowed to he tutor his / her own students or students of the classes where he / she teaches (Cfr. The Gujarat Secondary Education Regulations) Complete details of all tuition works, including those outside must be submitted to the principal without fail by each teacher at the end of every month.
  6. Parents and guardians are requested to notify the school office in writing if any change is in their address or telephone number. The school management, principal and staff will not be held responsible in any way for any accident or mishap that may occur to the student in the school premises even during the school hours. The sick students should not be sent to the school.


  1. There will be terminal examinations besides other periodical tests during the year and reports will be issued within a month.
  2. Parents/guardians are requested to examine the report before signing it. They should make enquiries if no report is shown to them by their children.
  3. There will be no anticipation or postponement of any examination or test to suit individual's convenience.
  4. No re-examinations are to be held. Pupils absent from an examination without grave reason, will be considered as having failed in it. In case of illness the promotion will be based on the years work.
  5. The results of the annual examination will be declared only after clearing all the dues to the school.
  6. Results of the examinations are final and will not be reconsidered.